Baptism is one of the sacraments of initiation in which by water and the power of the Holy Spirit, a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ.
If you are looking to baptize your child in the St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate, you must first go through a class taught by Deacon Ray Noonan and his wife Carol. The class is offered 4 times a year; in January, April, July & October. The class is held in the Pastorate Office and lasts for approximately 2 hours. You are only required to take the class once. Please call Deacon Dan & Janice Kurt at 563-590-1605 to enroll. Deacon Dan will have you register with the Church if you have not already done so.
Once you have taken the class, call Shellie at the Pastorate office to schedule a Baptism. Baptisms at Sacred Heart, St. Patrick & St. Peter will be held after 4:00pm Mass on the Saturday of their scheduled Mass. (Sacred Heart = second Saturday of the month; St. Patrick = First & Fourth Saturdays of the month; and St. Peter = the Third Saturday of the month). Our deacons: Deacon Ray Noonan and Deacon Joe Schockemoehl, Deacon Dan Kurt and Deacon Mark Otting will perform these baptisms depending on their availability. Baptisms may be scheduled at St. Matthias either after the 5:30pm Mass on Saturday or after the 10:00am Mass on Sunday. Fr. Mark Osterhaus will perform these baptisms depending on his availability.